Poetry eZine ~ April 2012

Tuesday, April 17

April 17th Prompt

Today, we're going to live in the present - at least our prompt will ask us to.

Write about whatever it is you are doing, seeing, or thinking when the clock turns over to a new hour (based on when you read this prompt). So, those who read this at 9:05, keep in the back of your mind that a poem is coming your way at 10. What significance does this subject have to you? Would you honestly rather be doing something else? Are you content with where you are? Is there something new about this moment that you wouldn't have otherwise noticed? In any case, happy writing!

Today's poem comes to us from Ryan Collins and is entitled Unsupported Transit. There is something haunting about it - I felt as though I was on a journey that led me back to where I began. Check out today's poem!

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