Poetry eZine ~ April 2012

Tuesday, April 24

April 24th Prompt and Question

Today, we're going to focus more on revision and creating something new through it.

Find a poem you like (or dislike) that you have written. If it's a free verse poem, try writing it in blank verse (unrhymed iambic pentameter - for these purposes it's okay to just break the lines into 10 syllables a piece). If it's in a meter, try writing it in one long block like prose. A couple points to pay attention to are: where do you breathe in this poem? Are there any points of significance that were brought out more so in the rewritten version? Do you have to change some of the wording or context by converting it into meter? Is the flow changed? Strengthened? Weakened? Regardless of the results, this is a fun exercise to help you see your writing in a new light. Revision at its best. Happy Writing!

The simple question I want to ask today is:

What does your revision process look like?

Essentially, how do you revise your poems? Everyone's style is different. Do you go to a specific place to do them? Do you only cross out (and never erase)? Why does this help you? How does this help you? If you were to give advice about revision, what would it be?